
The Provinces



Reader Notes

NEW This newsletter now has a Telegram channel. If you’re on Telegram, follow the channel and tell me what you think!

We've got 1,800+ subscribers to this thing and there are some costs associated with sending out 70,000 or so e-mails a month. The costs of doing so are offset with contributions from sponsors like our friends at Aurora Strategy Global and from many generous readers who are also chipping in. But we could use a few more contributors. You can help keep this newsletter going with a monthly pledge -- Just $5 would do it -- via Patreon or, if you want to make a one-time donation, send an e-transfer to Thanks for all your help!

David Akin

Science and tech

The Calendar

  • 1130 ET: Toronto, ON - LPC MP Majid Jowhari marks Celebrations of Emancipation Day.
  • 1700 ET: Winnipeg, - Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks to supporters
David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 1938: Sc #241: 1938 Pictorial Issue: Memorial Chamber. Design: Herman Herbert Schwarz.

David Akin's Roundup