
The Provinces



Science and tech

The Calendar

  • Calgary - Deputy PM and Fin Min Chrystia Freeland holds private meeting with the Pathways Alliance organization and with a medical professional about federal drug coverage plans..
  • 0930 ET: Port au Port West, NL - ACOA Min Gudie Hutchings makes a funding announcement.
  • 1100 ET: 035B West Block - Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) | Meeting 134 - Purchase of the Official Residence of the Consul General in New York
  • 1215 ET: Inuvik, NT - Defence Min Bill Blair speaks to reporters.
David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 1991: Scott #1325a horizontal strip of 5: Heritage Rivers I - Wilderness Rivers. Design: Malcolm Wadell. Illustration: Jan Waddell. The rivers in this series are from left, South Nahanni, NT; Athabasca River, AB; Boundary Waters-Voyageur Waterway, ON; Jacques-Cartier River, QC; and Main River, NL

David Akin's Roundup