
The Provinces



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David Akin's Roundup

Science and tech

The Calendar

  • 0900 ET: Ottawa - Defence Min Bill Blair speaks about Canadian defence policy.
  • 0930 ET: 025B West Block - The CPC national caucus will meet.
  • 0930 ET: West Block - The NDP national caucus will meet.
  • 1000 ET: 225-A West Block - The LPC national caucus will meet.
  • 1300 ET: Ottawa - Deputy PM and Fin Min Chrystia Freeland , Citizens Services Terry Beech, Labour Min Seamus O'Regan, and Public Services Min Jean-Yves Duclos make a healthcare announcement.
  • 1330 ET: Room B45 Senate - Senate Committee on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Senators:Case of privilege concerning events relating to the sitting of November 9, 2023
  • 1400 ET: HoC foyer - NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh will speak to reporters.
  • 1615 ET: Room W110 1 Wellington - Senate Committee on Banking, Commerce and the Economy:Study matters relating to banking and commerce generally.
  • 1615 ET: Room B30 Senate - Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs:Bill S-15
  • 1615 ET: Room B45 Senate - Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology:Bill S-235
  • 1630 ET: 035-B West Block - Citizenship and Immigration (CIMM) | Meeting 97 - Drafting letter.
  • 1630 ET: 315 Wellington - Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) | Meeting 105 - Meeting Requested Pursuant to Standing Order 106(4) to Discuss a Request to Undertake a Study of Waivers Granting the Use of Russian Titanium in Canadian Aerospace Manufacturing
  • 1630 ET: 025B West Block - Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) | Meeting 119 - Federal Government Consulting Contracts Awarded to McKinsey & Company
  • 1630 ET: 415 Wellington - Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN) | Meeting 105 - Committee business
  • 1630 ET: 330 Wellington - Industry and Technology (INDU) | Meeting 121 - Bill C-27
  • 1630 ET: 430 Wellington - National Defence (NDDN) | Meeting 101 - Transparency within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
  • 1630 ET: 425 Wellington - Veterans Affairs (ACVA) | Meeting 92 - Drafting report.
  • 1845 ET: Room C128 Senate - Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples:Examine the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2021
  • 1845 ET: Room W110 1 Wellington - Senate Committee on National Finance:FY25 Main Estimates
  • 1845 ET: Room B45 Senate - Senate Committee on Transport and Communications:Bill S-273
  • 1900 ET: Room B30 Senate - Senate Committee on Official Languages:Study matters relating to minority-language health services
David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 2013: Scott #2642 souvenir sheet of 8: Chinatown Gates. Design: Hélène L’Heureux. This is indeed a round souvenir sheet with a square hole in the middle. A handsome souvenir sheet -- if a difficult one to mount in your collector's scrapbook due to its odd shape and very large size. Look closely to see which city's Chinatown's are featured here ...

David Akin