
Latest model: CPC wins 230; BQ forms official opposition

Incorporating the latest findings from Angus Reid into my seat projectiong model I end up where I think pretty much every seat projection modeller is: A whopping Conservative majority. But until today, I had the Liberals remaining, albeit barely, as the official opposition. No longer.

My model, based on the latest polls from Abacus, Angus Reid, Ekos, Ipsos, Leger and Nanos (n=6,672 / Dec 4-27 ) returns the following results:

  • CPC : 230 seats
  • BQ : 43
  • LPC : 37
  • NDP : 31
  • GPC: 2

At 230 seats, the CPC would control 67 per cent of the seats in the House of Commons. That would be the 7th strongest majority of all time. The Liberals in 2015 won 54 per cent of all seats. The strongest majority, measured by percentage of seats won, was Diefenbaker in 1958 when the PCs that year won 208 of 265 seats or 78.5 per cent. To match that record, a party in the next House of Commons would need to win about 270 seats. -DA

David Akin

The Provinces



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