
The Provinces



Reader Notes

Always looking for more support

This newsletter is curated by David Akin, chief political correspondent at Global News. The headlines, excerpts, and photos are generated by the publishers of the clipping. The publisher is at the bottom left of the clipping. If I've got a comment, you'll see that in italics. But if I've generated the headline and the excerpt, you'll see me taking attribution by finishing with -DA in bold.

This newsletter is published independent of my employer. It's just me. And I pay the bills to send out 80,000 e-mails a month. Many subscribers have already chipped in to help defray platform costs often with a monthly pledge -- Just $5 would do it -- via Patreon or, if you want to make a one-time donation, send an e-transfer to Thanks in any event for all your support -- and if you like this -- please tell a friend!

David Akin's Roundup

Science and tech

The Calendar

  • 1130 ET: Rideau Hall - PM Trudeau participates in the swearing-in ceremony of members of the Canadian Ministry.
  • 1500 ET: West Block - PM Trudeau meets with his cabinet.
David Akin's Roundup