
The Provinces



Science and tech

The Calendar

  • Ottawa -PM Trudeau travels to the Greater Vancouver Area but no public events are scheduled.
  • 0815 ET: 330 Wellington -Industry and Technology (INDU) | Meeting 152 - Order of the House Referring Back the Twentieth Report of the Committee entitled “Potential Anti-Competitive Behaviour in Canada’s E-Transfer Ecosystem”
  • 0900 ET: Ottawa -LPC MP Yvan Baker inaugurates the Memorial to the Victims of Communism.
  • 0900 ET: NPT - Senators Brian Francies, David Arnot and Michèle Audettte speak about the Canadian Human Rights Framework.
  • 1100 ET: 125-B West Block -Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) | Meeting 160 - FY25 Supp Bs. Public Services and Procurement Min Jean-Yves Duclos to testify.
  • 1100 ET: 430 Wellington -Justice and Human Rights (JUST) | Meeting 127 - Pre-Study on Bill C-63
  • 1200 ET: Ottawa -NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh joins a CUPW picket line.
  • 1230 ET: New Glasgow, NS - Housing and Infrastructure Min Sean Fraser makes an infrastructure funding announcement.
  • 1530 ET: 420 Wellington -Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) | Meeting 134 - Priorities and Mandates of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and International Development / FY25 Supp Bs. Foreign Affairs Min Melanie Joly and International Development Min Ahmed Hussen testify.
  • 1530 ET: 425 Wellington -Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI) | Meeting 145 - Privacy Breaches at the Canada Revenue Agency; Wind Up of TikTok Technology Canada, Inc.
  • 1530 ET: 035-B West Block -Finance (FINA) | Meeting 171 - Tax Debt Write-Offs, the Carousel Tax Fraud Scheme and Other Issues Involving Claims. Revenue Min Marie-Claude Bibeau to appear.
  • 1530 ET: 420 Wellington -Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) | Meeting 134 - Priorities and Mandates of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and International Development; Subject Matter of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b, 5b and 10b under the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, and Vote 1b under the International Joint Commission (Canadian Section)
  • 1530 ET: 225-A, West Block -Health (HESA) | Meeting 146 - FY25 Supp Bs. Health Min Mark Holland to testify.
  • 1530 ET: 125-B West Block -Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TRAN) | Meeting 144 - Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness: Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail
  • 1900 ET: Montreal -NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh attends the Hochelega--Rosemont-Est nomination meeting
David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 1928: Sc 151 King George V “Scroll” Issue. 3¢ dark carmine. Design: Herman Herbert Schwarz.

David Akin's Roundup