
The Provinces



Reader Notes

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This newsletter is curated by David Akin, chief political correspondent at Global News. The headlines, excerpts, and photos are generated by the publishers of the clipping. The publisher is at the bottom left of the clipping. If I've got a comment, you''ll see that in italics. But if I've generated the headline and the excerpt, you'll see me taking attribution by finishing with -DA in bold. The stuff about the stamps at the bottom — that’s all me with scans from my stamp collection.

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David Akin's Roundup

Science and tech

The Calendar

  • 1000 ET: Louisbourg, NS - LPC MP MIke Kelloway marks the refurbishment of a lighthouse.
  • 1200 ET: Winnipeg - NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh campaigns in the riding of Elmwood-Transcona
  • 1700 ET: Saturna Island, BC - GPC MP Elizabeth May meets with constituents.
David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 2015: Scott 2861i: Haunted Canada — 2: Brakeman Ghost. Design: Lionel Gadoury, Kammy Ahuja. The first of the quintet in the 2015 of the Haunted Canada series, this stamp points people to the story of “The Headless Brakeman and the Ghost Lights of Maco Station”, a story detailed quite nicely in 2021 by Cody C. Engdahl. “On a dark rainy night in 1867, a tragic train accident happened along a swampy stretch of railroad outside of Maco Station (Vancouver) which killed a brakeman named Joe Baldwin … Sometime later, locals began seeing a mysterious, unearthly light where the accident had happened. Soon the legend began to grow that on dark rainy nights: Joe would come back with his lantern and search for his head …”

David Akin's Roundup