
The Provinces



Science and tech

The Calendar

  • 1230 ET: Montreal - PM Trudeau attends a Fête nationale event.
  • 1320 ET: Toronto - Deputy PM and Fin Min Chrystia Freeland tours an arts centre and speaks to reporters.
  • 1500 ET: Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QC - BQ Leader Yves-François Blanchet attends the Grand rassemblement de La Maison autochtone.
  • 1510 ET: Montreal - PM Trudeau meets with the Youth Council of Papineau
  • 1635 ET: Montreal - PM Trudeau attends a Fête nationale event.
  • 1830 ET: Richelieu, QC - BQ Leader Yves-François Blanchet attends a Fête nationale event.

A reminder that the office of Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre rarely releases his itinerary to the media ahead of time. I would very much like to include his activities in this calendar but his office releases his next-day itinerary to English-language media only sporadically.

David Akin's Roundup

Issued this day ...

… in 1989: Scott #1240a se-tenant block of 4: Canadian Photography. Design: Jean Morin and Tom Yakobina. According to Canada Post, the first photograph ever taken in Canada was snapped in 1839 and so, on the 150th anniversary of that event, Canada Post issued this quartet “featuring trailblazing Canadian photographers: William Notman (1826-1891); Alexander Henderson (1831-1913); Jules-Ernest Livernois (1851-1933); and W. Hanson Boorne (1859-1945). “These pioneering professionals left a legacy of photographs that provide documentary information about Canada's growth and development, as well as evidence of photography's technical and artistic evolution. Each stamp features a portrait of the photographer along with a photograph characteristic of his work.”

David Akin's Roundup